Tuesday, September 1, 2009


The other night, Friday, I was hanging around with some friends in one of their apartments and we were playing Catchphrase. For those who don't know, it's a little mechanism that displays a word, and the person holding said mechanism is meant to describe the word without using the word itself. Kind of like Taboo, except no forbidden words.

Anyway, there were two hilarious occurrences, both involving Manuel, the 25-year-old German with a rather heavy stereotypical accent, almost like Schwarzenegger (who I know is actually Austrian). First: The topic I believe was grab bag. Manuel had been struggling comprehending various American phrases and people, and this time was no different, as he cycled through endless words/phrases he was unable to describe, until the buzzer sounded, indicating time had run out. As it did, he inquired, "Who is Ferris Wheel?"

Second: Again Manuel was passed the mechanism, and this time he came upon a word he knew. He gestured toward a friend to his left, named Shalom, with his elbow. "When we were swimming, I gave you the elbow.... The elbow." He went on to continue his motion and repeat the phrase "the elbow" (again, in his heavy accent) until time expired, at which point the flustered German announced, "the Uppercut!"

On the same night, another funny occurrence happened which no one but me seemed to notice, again involving our German friend. He had introduced himself to Ross, someone on our program, and wondered how old he was. Upon hearing he was 21, Manuel replied that Ross looks older than he is. Manuel then requested that Ross guess how old he is. After Ross' underestimation of the 25-year-old, Manuel pointed out that looking younger than you are, as he does, is much better than looking older than you are, which only seconds before he had told Ross. On top of it all, Ross quickly agreed, seemingly unaware with the rest of the group that he had just been majorly zinged.

Finally: Today, Tuesday, I went to the Shuk with my friend Daniel. While there, Daniel beckoned me to come glance at someone he thought he'd recognized. Sure enough, right in front of me, was one of my true loves, none other than Natalie Portman. She seemed to be with her parents and sister/friend and brother/friend/boyfriend, and not many around her seemed to realize who she was. I wanted to get a photo with her, but after trailing her for a few seconds I had lost the power in my legs and was unable to procure a sound from my voice box. As I watched my love slip away, I was able to snap a paparazzi/stalker-esque photo. Natalie, if you read this, please give me a second chance...

1 comment:

  1. Catch phrase is a great game, i once remember i had bread pudding, it wasn't very easy for me to describe!

    Very cool seeing Natalie!

    Love and miss!
